Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I love summer! Today was just another gorgeous summer day in DURBAN. This is what I wore...

My glasses are from YDE.
Necklace is from the Project range at MR PRICE

Hooded black leather jacket I used in the office when it got a bit nippy

Fringe detail satchel

These are my absolute fav pair of River Island jeans. They are like almost 6years old. The more they age, the more I can't seem to get rid of them. They know so many secrets!

Love my bargain snake skin wedges. Woolworths had a sale on their summer shoes! Score!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. So cool! Where did u get the bag

  2. Thanks again! Much love x
    The bag is actually from Milady's. go try them out! You'll find a gem
